Selected artists will be notified the following week and will receive a modest budget of $20 towards supplies. Finished works should be mailed no later than December 4th to:
Katie RiesThe maximum dimensions are the approximate size of a large grapefruit. The edition size is forty. Variation within the edition is encouraged.
Art + Architecture Bldg.
1715 Volunteer Blvd.
Knoxville, TN. 37996-2410
Interested artists and makers should email the following to no later than November 6th, 5 pm, EST:
5-10 pdf/jpegs of recent work
a brief statement outlining the proposed object and its materials
Four copies of the edition will remain with the curator. One copy each will go to the libraries of the University of Tennessee and Colorado College. The remaining copies will be sold to interested parties who agree to bury the work at some point in the future and document its decay on the associated blog:
I just found out about this project. I see the deadline is passed, but I would love to participate in this project if it happens again in the future? Are there any plans to do something like it again, or would you accept any late entries?